Monday, January 29, 2007


Weekly Measurements:
Weight: 148.5
Upper Arm: 12.5 (no change)
Chest: 39 (no change)
Waist: 30.5 (down 1.5")
Hips: 40.5 (down 1.5"
Thigh: 24.75 (up .25")

So, I am not sure if these are really husband measured me both times, but said he couldn't remember how tight he pulled the tape each time and where he put the tape each, I think I'll start over and do it myself later on, or tomorrow morning. You kinda have to put the tape in the same spot to get an accurate reading... :o) Good effort on his part, thanks for trying honey! At least the weight is down again! Yippie!

Sunday, January 28, 2007


So, things are looking good here! After the last post things were fine, I was right about the fluctuation, it has been back down and up and down again all weekend! So, anyways, the weekend has been pretty uneventful. Eating on Saturday was a little worse than I would have liked...I had a bigger than usual breakfast (2 egg veggie omelet, wheat toast), but I tried to make it up by ordering a grilled chicken oriental salad from Applebee's for lunch, but forgot to get the dressing on the side. So, I made it my lunch and dinner yesterday. That was ok. Today, I had low sugar oatmeal and my frappuccino for breakfast. My mom's yummy spanish rice and a salad for lunch, oh and chocolate pudding pie for dessert (made with sugar free pudding and lite cool whip just for me-thanks mom!). I had a small glass of milk and a few graham crackers for a snack so I wasn't really hungry for dinner I did have some rice cakes and cottage cheese and pineapple just a bit ago. I am a little hungry now, but can't really see a reason to eat much now at 9pm. I may have a glass of milk or bowl of cereal...not sure yet. I just remembered that I have a half of banana to finish from Averie's breakfast. Yummm, good stuff! Now I will have that glass of milk, in just a bit. So, all in all, I am really adjusting to my new habits. It is getting easier and easier now, day by day. It is kinda strange that I used to eat every day like all day long. Like my reason for eating was just to eat and put stuff in my mouth, and now my reason for eating is because I am hungry...and want to eat healthy. I am glad I have stuck with it. I hope that my exercise and this new way of eating pays off slowly but steadily!

So exciting news, on Saturday(as mentioned in the title of the post), we drove up to a Lumber Liquidators store an hour and a half away, and purchased our hardwood floors!!! I am so stinking excited. I have been waiting for this for a year now. And you all know how much I love the plaid carpet we have and have had for a year. I will cry when it is gone (HUGE exaggeration...I might cry tears of joy)! Below in pic 1 is the floor color we purchased! We chose a little bit wider plank, but not the widest! So, it should be arriving on Thursday and the carpet should be coming out soon. The lovely bar is gone and the half wall will be gone after a long several months of no progress (regarding home projects) we are on a roll again! Yea! See the lovely pics below!

The beautiful new floors, soon to be installed!

Before-with the bar. Check out the great plaid carpet.

After-without the bar. There is a slight dip in the floor which will be fixed once the carpet is ripped out. The lovely half wall (where the blanket is) will be gone soon too! Hooray for home improvement projects!

Thursday, January 25, 2007


So, a little disappointed this morning. I weight myself every morning and today it was up 2 lbs. I am sure it just normal fluctuation but a little annoying. Not so discouraging that I won't keep going. I am also sore today from working out! I do like that though! I will keep plugging on...

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


So, I am still on the wagon! I have been doing great these days! I have worked out two days in a row...yesterday and today and have been eating so well! Yesterday was a very hard day, I was actually hungry a lot. Like my body was testing my will power. So, I ate when I was hungry, but healthy stuff...rice cakes (cheddar cheese ones), V8 (which Averie drank half of), a banana, apple, graham crackers. Those are the kinds of snacks I have been having. I just ate a banana and peanut butter now. I am about to go have a glass of milk (but today was much less testing)! Today I was all set to have a piece of peanut butter pie at the restaurant up town (my Grandma, parents and the kids went) because it is my favorite...I was going to have half there and take half home for Matt (or me later). But this was the first time I could remember them not having that flavor. They had peach, coconut and banana. I like all of those kinds, but they wouldn't have been worth it! So, I had my chef salad with lite dressing and was perfectly content. It was like a sign or something. So, my workouts have been pretty good, a little challenging. I am not quite in shape. I rode 2.65 miles on the bike both days (10 minutes worth), did squats and abs on the ball (not too many abs yet, I am extremely weak in that region), the bench press, triceps extensions, lat pull downs and leg lifts. I am not sure if I am doing the triceps or lats or biceps, but two of those...I need Matt to show me more exercises when he has time. But the workout usually takes a half an hour or so. And I watch/listen to tv at the same time. It is going good. I actually looked forward to it today! Hopefully I will keep it up. I plan to work out 5 days a week. No weekends unless I skip a weekday. So, that's my plan, I'll keep you all posted!!!!!

Monday, January 22, 2007


Weight: 149.5
Upper Arm: 12.5
Chest: 39
Waist: 32
Hips: 42
Thigh: 24.25

Kids...we have work to do!!


Ok, so....alert the media...I am down to my pre-baby body weight!!!!!!!!!!!! Not shape by any means, but weight! And actually down a half lb. more than the ticker says (it won't do half lbs.) but who is counting, he he! And I felt a little guilty about my weekend...nothing horrible like you're probably thinking, I still am going strong! We had pizza over the weekend, which I was a little hesitant to have, but like I've said all along, I am not going to ever cut out anything completely. I will just be smart about my choices!!!! I had one slice of pizza, one small bread stick and one apple roll up (yea, those were the guilty pleasure this weekend!!). I had one and then since Matt worked til 9pm, my parents left the other THREE in the box in my fridge. I knew I'd eventually crack and have another one. But at least I only had two total. That was it, my weakness of the weekend! Not too bad. I felt bad about eating it after I did it especially since it was like 10pm at night...but that's okay! I didn't make any other bad choices the rest of the weekend! And it is becoming visible! And the exercise bike that my parents are giving me arrived Saturday, it is in the garage...Matt only works til 2pm today so it'll be downstairs tonight! Then I can actually work out while eating healthy! I am looking forward to that!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Still Going Strong

I have been doing so well with eating. I just had a carrot and it tasted nasty, but that won't discourage me at all. I have been having sweets as necessary, but not since Sunday (dad's b-day cake). I also only had a small piece and shared it with Averie. I am also not cutting out what I love I am just only having so much of it. I think I am doing really well. Yesterday's lunch, Wendy's...a grilled chicken sandwich with light ranch dressing a a caesar side salad with light rance dressing. And I have been doing smaller portions. I only had a third of my meatball sub last night because I was full. I didn't eat it all just because it was there (which I used to do all of the time) . But yet, when I am still hungry, I will have more. So, all-in-all, I am just being smart about my choices, not banning anything as a possibility, and making my portions smaller. So far, so good!

Friday, January 12, 2007


So, last night for dinner we went to Texas Roadhouse...I did okay. I had a salad with only a tad of dressing and a sweet potato...with a little butter and brown sugar. I also had ribs which I shared with Averie (only a half rack between the two of us). And a couple of the rolls with cinnamon butter for dessert. I feel okay about my decisions for dinner. Today went well also...chicken soft healthy kind)...potatoes...milk. I just now had lowfat cottage cheese and lite peaches. I think now I am going to have a glass of milk. Well...I hope to have a good weekend!

Thursday, January 11, 2007


I managed to have a tuna pita with lettuce, a little cheese and a tad of honey mustard...which didn't do anything for me...I should have not bothered with it. I also had a scoop of lowfat cottage cheese. I had made a salad, but only ate the croutons and saved the rest. I also had a tall glass of milk. I am bored now, and want to find a snack. But am still pretty full from lunch. I need to get Baylor now, he is calling me. He also had an awesome nap. I will reward him with a boob.


This is my attempt to record the good, bad and ugly foods I eat while trying to lose 15 pounds. I want to get to a health weight the right avoiding mcdonalds and other foods that I love to eat. I think I can do it...but need a place to go when I am craving something less than healthy. And some place where other people will eventually read and make me own up to any mistakes I make!

I started out the day drinking a starbucks frappuccino. YUM, my favorite and my weakness. I also just made tuna (with miracle whip light and a little sweet relish) for lunch and I will have it in a wheat pita. With some lettuce and a 100 calorie pack doritos and water or milk. I hear milk is a good way to fill up before you don't over eat. More updates to come. :o)