Monday, February 26, 2007


Weight: 143 (-2 this week/-12 total)
Upper Arm: 12 (finally!! -.5)
Chest: 38 (+1 I hadn't fed Baylor and normally I have)
Waist: 29.25 (same)
Hips: 38 (-2 this week/ -4 total)
Thigh: 22.25 (-.25 this week/-2 total)

Sunday, February 25, 2007


Progress is being made!! :o)

Averie likes it! It is perfect for pushing her stroller around!

Weekly measurements will be done tomorrow morning! I will also be working out today. I was absolutely famished this morning and had a big breakfast, of which included a dough nut, eggs, bacon and coffee. Hey, I've always said if I am hungry, I am going to eat! And that's the truth. But I suppose I could have done without the dough nut. It was good, but not that good. A little old actually. OH well! I will workout hard today! Anyways, weights and measurements to come! :o)

Monday, February 19, 2007


Weight: 145 (-1 this week/-10 total !!!)
Upper Arm: 12.5 (nothing)
Chest: 37 (-.5 this week/-2 total)
Waist: 29.25 (-.25 this week/-1.75 total)
Hips: 40 (-2 total)
Thigh: 22.5 (-1.75 total)

* * * * *

Not a bad week! I ended up working out 6 days...which felt good to do! I have a sinus headache this morning. Hopefully it goes away before I want to work out later. It probably will! Nothing much else going on. A little more progress on the floors..more to come!!!

Adios plaid carpet!!!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Just wanted to say that I made (Averie and I) Matt the best chocolate chip cookies ever for Valentine's Day and have only had 1 full cookie and a few bites of one I shared with Averie! Normally I would have had 10 or more within the last two days. That shows how much I've changed my habits. I only even thought about them once today while I was cooking dinner and was pretty hungry. I love my will power!!!!! HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!

Monday, February 12, 2007


Weight: 146 (-2 this week/9 total)
Upper Arm: 12.5 (nothing total)
Chest: 37.5 (-1.25 this week/1.5 total)
Waist: 29.5 (-1 this week/2.5 total)
Hips: 40 (0 this week/2 total)
Thigh: 22.5 (-1.25 this week/1.75 total)

I am so happy with everything so far! I just wish the arm would go down. Well, I don't really even care about that, I just want to tone my arm so it isn't flapping in the wind this spring and summer in sleeveless shirts when I wave. I will have to come up with some better exercises for my arms. I'll work on that this week! :o) Other than that, I am pleased. I need to workout hard today. Monday is always the hardest day especially if I haven't worked out over the weekend. I wanted to Saturday and Sunday but just couldn't and didn't have the time! Oh well...

Saturday, February 10, 2007


Lately thing have been going pretty well! I must say that I am quite proud of myself for keeping up with working out! I don't even usually have to push myself to do it. As soon as the kids go down for their afternoon naps, I get going down there. I only make myself workout for half an it does not drag on. And if I make it down there during my soap opera it is especially good because with the amount of commercials and stuff I am pretty entertained! I will probably not be working out until Monday now because Averie is sick. She got sick after dinner last night, in her sleep last night and this morning. Hopefully she'll be good early next week, we might have to postpone our Valentine's Day fun...

I have also been eating well, staying away from junk and keeping my portions down. I haven't been as strict on my portions (I think I am just used to it), but have been using side plates instead of big plates and only taking a little bit of food at first since I usually fill up faster than I think and if it is on my plate I am more likely to eat it. So if I am still hungry, I can get more, but if I fill up faster than I think I don't keep eating just to clean the plate! It is mind over matter! Well, I want to balance the checkbook before the little ones wake up. More later!


Here is the bike and gym area. Along with the
lovely pea green tile floor. And brick around the sump pump. Very classy!

A little different view. The tv is a must have while riding the bike! That way I don't stare at the amount of time I have been biking! Lately I've been riding like 9 minutes before I even look at the time! That's like one segment and two commercials from my soap opera! :o)

The relaxation area. It is mostly just for looking at because I don't really relax down there. We also don't eat down there. That other table is for scrapbooking once I get back into the flow of that! Recognize the chairs or coffee table, MiMi? They are in good hands!! We will also be curtaining off all of the storage in the back corner. That is on a project list to be done soon.

Monday, February 5, 2007

Weekly Measurements:
Weight: 148 (down .5)
Upper Arm: 12.5 (no change)
Chest: 38.75 (down .25)
Waist: 30.5 (no change this week)
Hips: 40 (down .5 this week- 2 total)
Thigh: 23.75 (down .75 total)

So, everything looks good to me. I actually measured myself this time, so I will have to see if I can remember from week to week. The thigh surprised me, I measured it a couple of times to make sure I was right...I measured the largest part and it was still down, so I guess finally the bike is working for those legs! I haven't done any other leg exercises yet...I may eventually. So, anyways, I am happy with the measurements!

Yesterday I weighed myself in the morning (as I do every morning) and I was down to 147.5. I have never been that weight on my scale ever (I've had the scale for almost 4 years)! So, that was exciting! And I did do pretty bad with eating dinner last night. I haven't eaten so much that I was stuffed in a month so I felt pretty uncomfortable all night. Then sometime in the middle of the night I was in the bathroom (not to gross you all out) not doing so well. But I'm okay now! I guess my system isn't used to the overeating anymore. Which is great! I won't be over eating like that for a while!

Friday, February 2, 2007


Now the half wall is down! That was Thursday's project for Matt and my dad. They did that while my mom, the kids and I went shopping. We then met for lunch!

The room seems so large. I can't wait to put the table in place and of course the floors! More updates to come soon.

*Eating and working out, going well. I have a cold though that is the only not so good thing going on right now.