Sunday, May 6, 2007


Weight: 136!!!! (only one pound to go -20lbs. total)
Upper Arm: 11 (same)
Chest: 35.5 (+.5)
Waist: 26.5 (-.25)
Hips: 34.5 (same)
Thigh: 20.25 (-.25)

So, obviously I am totally happy with the weight!!! I really couldn't tell if I was going to make it or not until late Saturday evening when I weighed in at 136.5 after eating a pretty big dinner! At that moment I felt pretty sure. But seriously, I didn't have the greatest week of eating. Honestly, I had two frozen cokes, ice cream from Honey Bear one evening, a Tim Horton's Ice Cap & bagel and cream cheese and a piece of cake. All of that and normal meals this week. So, I don't know. I guess my workouts (which were just ok) made up for the junk! I am happy! Now I can honestly say I've lost 20 lbs! That feels great. Only one lb. to go to get to the goal, a goal that is pretty much if it happens, it happens, if it doesn't, that's okay too! YEA! I just need to keep up the motivation of working out...will get even easier once swimming is done for Averie. That is taking up a large chunk in the middle of the day. OK-time to update the Averie and Baylor's blog.

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