Saturday, February 10, 2007


Here is the bike and gym area. Along with the
lovely pea green tile floor. And brick around the sump pump. Very classy!

A little different view. The tv is a must have while riding the bike! That way I don't stare at the amount of time I have been biking! Lately I've been riding like 9 minutes before I even look at the time! That's like one segment and two commercials from my soap opera! :o)

The relaxation area. It is mostly just for looking at because I don't really relax down there. We also don't eat down there. That other table is for scrapbooking once I get back into the flow of that! Recognize the chairs or coffee table, MiMi? They are in good hands!! We will also be curtaining off all of the storage in the back corner. That is on a project list to be done soon.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

looks great down there. i thought those looked familiar, glad you are using them. great job with the working out!